We are located just a block and a half south of Bridge Street
Between US Bank and Verizon.
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Are you OVERDUE?
Everyone age 45 or older should have a colonoscopy
Anyone with a family history of colon cancer may need to be screened sooner than 45
Call us to ask about your screening colonoscopy
Nausea? Vomiting? Abdominal Pain?
These symptoms are very common and can be challenging to treat. Often, patients have suffered with significant symptoms for years by the time they see us and treatment can begin.
Through tailored medication regimens and lifestyle changes, we can provide relief, diminishing the severity and frequency of symptoms so patients can get back to enjoying life.
If you have heartburn more than once a week, requiring a medication like Prilosec you should be evaluated for long term esophageal changes
Food Sticking?
If you have difficulty with bread or meat sticking in the esophagus, there are procedures that can help, make an appointment to find out what may work for you
Nausea? Vomiting? Abdominal Pain?
These symptoms are very common and can be challenging to treat. Often, patients have suffered with significant symptoms for years by the time they see us and treatment can begin.
Through tailored medication regimens and lifestyle changes, we can provide relief, diminishing the severity and frequency of symptoms so patients can get back to enjoying life.
Hepatitis C
Did you know baby boomers are at increased risk for chronic hepatitis C?
The CDC and USPSTF recommends that anyone born between 1945-1965 be screened one time for chronic hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is a virus that is transmitted through blood, causes liver damage and increases the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer. Fortunately, treatments are available that are safe and effective.